Sitting Tips for Bad Back Travelers In 2022
Don’t let that pain stop you from seeing the world. Ease your back can by following these sitting tips for bad back travelers!
DISCLAIMER: These are only tips! They are general guidelines that do not apply to all back problems and should not take the place of your doctor’s advice. We recommend consulting with a medical professional before booking your travels, especially if your back pain is severe.
Our Light Guide For Sitting Comfortably While Traveling

Eat a Light Meal With Little Caffeine
It’s important to stay hydrated! Number two is eating light and healthy. Combined will increase your chances of avoiding a classic traveler’s tragedy. Which must go to the bathroom when you got no toilet?
Pack Lightly & Check-In Heavy Luggage
Most things a reasonable person would need are always available. No need to bring two of everything – if you’re anything like me; whenever I over pack for trips, my neck and shoulders pay the price.
For the extended trip occasion, luggage with wheels is an unsung hero. Luggage with wheels may not look as cool as a duffel bag, but it will save your shoulders from agony.
Duffel bags are cool, I know..I’ve been that guy. Trying to act like his shoulder isn’t aching while standing in line at the airport.
If you ever see this person, they’re probably thinking… “Would this bag still look cool, if glued some wheels to it?”.
Dress In Triple Layers, Wear Comfortable Shoes
Pack only what you need so you can avoid over stuffing your bag. Your back will be grateful and your luggage won’t unzip itself.
If you have to go with extra anything, travel with extra socks! When you have to travel heavy, check-in that luggage to minimize the risk of pulling a muscle.
Nothing would ruin your trip like an unnecessary back ache from lugging around your bulky gear or trying to maneuver it into the overhead bin.
Curtail Your Back Pain During The Journey With These Tips!
Watch Your Posture. If you are long legged, request an exit row or bulkhead seat, which has more leg room. If you’re in going on a road trip via car, try to call shotgun.
Dress In Layers & Wear Comfortable Shoes, using your excess clothing as a neck pillow is always a plus too. Empty your pockets and be sure you’re not sitting on anything (such as a wallet, money clip, or cell phone).
Sitting for long periods of time with stuff in your pocket is a common cause of back pain that can lead to more serious issues, such as provoking sciatica, and even a herniated disk.
Bring over-the-counter pain medication. (Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, Aleve)
Relax & Try To Get Some Sleep, Bringing a book or some other reading materials that will stimulate your mind and help you forget about the agony in your back, legs, or neck.
Wear compression socks on longer trips. They’re better at keeping your feet warm and help increase blood circulation. If your feet are on the smelly side, these socks will better mask your stinky scent.
Empty Your Pockets Before Taking A Seat On Your Travels: Before you embark on your journey by settling into your seat, the last thing you need is impaling yourself before the big trip.
Avoid Stiffness & Sitting Aches –
Take Freaquent Breaks To Stretch
Stretches and movements to do before your flight:
Standing Quad Stretch
Seated Hamstring Stretch
Hip flexor stretches
Forward bends
Calf stretches
Stretches and movements to do after your flight:
Sphinx (Lumbar Extension) | This stretch helps to release the glutes and the lower back.
Kneeling Neck Release | This stretch eased tension in your lower back, quadriceps, and along the sides of the neck.
Bridge Stretch | This stretch will ease tension along your back and will help prevent injury.
Down Dog | An iconic yoga pose that will help relieve your tight calves, lower back, hamstrings, and lats.
Seated Cow Face Arms| This stretch will open up your shoulders, chest, and the triceps.

Neck Support Pillows For Long Car Rides, Plain, or Train Trips
Whether you’re traveling by train, plane, or car. One issue commonly persists: that is getting comfortable enough for some shuteye.
Fortunately, a good neck pillow can help slip you into the slumber that will cut your travel time in half.
There is a wide range that is all made for different situations and manufactured with different fillings & outer materials. Here are just a few listed below.
U-shaped neck pillows | The most iconic of neck pillows also has the most use cases. There are plenty of affordable options, colors, and material choices for this type.
- They offer support for the back and the sides of the neck.
J-shaped neck pillows | Get their name from their top J-shaped style. This isn’t a cosmetic feature. The pillow goes over the back and side of your neck while the curled J part supports your chin.
- Gives your whole body support and prevents head from dipping forward. Inflatable cross-body neck pillows can even be packed down small to save space!
360° neck pillows | All over coverage and can be fastened at the front for extra support.
Perhaps the best chance you got to waking up without a sore neck while traveling because it prevents your head from bobbing around as you sleep.
Cross-body neck pillows | Wrapping around your body, this pillow is the largest type of neck pillow.
Its rounded part is where you rest your head and lays between your neck and shoulder, while the long part wraps around your body.
- These types of pillows give your entire body support and prevent your head from dipping. Inflatable cross-body neck pillows can even be packed down small to save space!
Related Questions
Don’t fret just yet or pay extra for a less than perfect neck pillow. If you're traveling with a sweatshirt of an extra article of clothing; Roll it into a ball and use it as a makeshift pillow.
Our pick is an aisle seat, but the cream a la cream is the emergency exit rows because they have the most space.
If you use air travel, checkout the ‘bulkhead’ rows. These are the seats directly behind any walls or next to the curtains that split up the plane.
So you have no seats in front of you, A.K.A No Reclining Seats In Your Face! One caviar on the bulkhead row is that their prime seats for families. So if you want to minimize your chances of being next to a screaming baby; Look elsewhere.
Fasting might not be for everyone. I still don’t think eating as a source of entertainment on your trip.
Chowing down a mile high in the air may cause constipation and will mess with your circadian rhythms.
Fasting may also ease jet lag. Intermittent fasting will throw your body less out of whack during your travels. Along with that, it will give your digestion system a rest. There are healthier food options available when you land.
- A comfortable seat with lumbar support may also help aid in your posture while eating. (Avoid unnecessary stains from food mishaps)
Colquitt, Dr. Brian. “Holiday Travel Tips to Prevent Back Pain.” Chesapeake Family Wellness, 2 Nov. 2017,
Moeller, Andrew. “Is Your Wallet Provoking Your Sciatica?” Spine, 13 July 2016,
Anisa. “Neck Support Pillow and Other Travel Sleeping Tips.” Two Traveling Texans, 2017,